The Lovely Bones

I've read this book about 2 years ago upon the prodding of my niece PG. I was then a bit hesitant about reading this book because I am afraid that it will just make me feel bad and sappy after reading it. But despite my apprehensions I still ended up reading this book. And boy am I so glad I did. This book gave me a new perspective with revenge and justice. You see I am the kind of person whose sense of closure with a conflict is by getting even.... an eye for an eye. I've always believed that true justice also means equality in everything..... But sometimes as I learned with this book vicious things happen to allow us to know our strengths, weaknesses...... that by mourning we shed not only tears.... but also our naïveté.... we learn to live with life's big punches.... learn to be more accepting.... Just read this book guys if you haven't yet.
The reason why I have this sudden surge of excitement after 2 years is because of the buzz I heard from E news. They said that filming of the book adaptation is already on-going and one of my all time favorite director Peter Jackson is on the helm! Wooohoooo... read the book first before the adaptation reached the silver screen.
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