The Bourne Ultimatum

It is almost a record of some sort for me.... I have only seen one movie for almost a month! I usually average 3 movies a week... and this does not include movies I saw via DVD or cable. When I say movies I saw... I meant movies I saw at the theater. Anyways, I decided to squeeze in a time to watch The Bourne Ultimatum..... Matt Damon afterall is one of my all time favorite actors. I've been a big fan eversince Good Will Hunting. I went to the cinema and watched GWH 7 times during its run in the metropolis!
Anyways I love this movie.... the "chasing scenes" were unbelievable... may it be by foot... motorcycle... or car. The movie starts off where it ends from the last Bourne movie... Bourne is hot on trail to find out why he became an assassin. The exotic locations of Europe adds allure to the mersmerizing glimpse in the world of CIA. I'll stop here so as not to end up a spoiler to those who have not seen this flick yet.

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