Coming Soon
Whoa! I am very excited and extremely looking forward to the silver screen adaptation of two of my favorite books Prince Caspian and Love in the Time of Cholera. Prince Caspian is the book four of the Chronicles of Narnia series of the great C.S. Lewis. The first film adaptation from the series was The Lion , the Witch, and the Wardrobe which is actually the book two because the book one is The Magician's Nephew. However, I am a bit wary with this latest Chronicles of Narnia series adaptation because the first one The Lion , the Witch, and the Wardrobe was not exactly a great movie. Especially with the great Peter Jackson's film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's LOTR series the Book Two of Chronicles' film adaptation seems lacking in imagination and magic. I doesn't help to contain my fears the fact that the director of Book Two which is Andrew Adamson is also the director of Prince Caspian. I just hoped that he would improve immensely. Well despite all these misgivings I am still excited to see on the silver screen Prince Caspian... basically because I remember pretty well how much fun I had reading The Chronicles of Narnia..... and I hope that all the kids in the world get to read this series of books as well. Anyways, according to the latest news this movie will hit the theaters sometime May of next year.

The next movie to watch out for is the film adaptation of one my favorite authors' Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera. The film adaptation was directed by Mike Newell, he is also the person who directed Four Weddings and a Funeral and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The screenplay was written by Ronald Harwood, the same person who wrote the screenplay of The Pianist. This movie is slated to be shown in November of this year in the US... an Oscar bait perhaps... I just hope this flick will be also shown on the same date in the Philippines. See ya at the movies :-)
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