Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Heart's Day

Woohoooo I am back....
I was gone for more than a month... however, my absence in the blogging scene is not indicative at all of a lackluster existence in this dreary archipelago. To summarize a bit... I have completed two duty rotations in two government hospitals, one in OB ward and one in Male Medical Ward. I hurdled the recent Mid-term exam, played host to my uncle from the US for two weeks, finished 3 books, watched at least 7 movies and frantically tried to keep myself sane when I received an SOS from my dear niece. All these stories you will read in full detail in the very near future.

I have just also learned from my friend Cathy who is currently in France that she have already travelled to Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg the past month after her South American sojourn from Argentina, Brazil and Peru. Geez I was that busy that I lost track of my friend's whereabouts. My friend Jong on the other hand have started blogging as well since January and I am just keeping myself updated with her by reading her posts. Pete my gym buddy have just returned yesterday from his two weeks visit in China... no wonder I cant spot him at the gym. I never thought that being away from a lap/desktop could cause me this much disconnection.

I also find it ubeliveable how much things can happen after just a month or two.... am just now updating myself with some of my friends whereabouts by reading their most recent posts. I have more time to logon and post as I have no hospital duty for the whole month of February. Woohoooo! Anyways, Happy Heart's Day folks.


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