Domestic Partnership
It's the 2nd time for the Monday Marauders to meet... the group that was conceived by Alma and which was christened by me. The idea behind the group is that we shall be meeting every Monday while Cathy is processing her travel papers and before she flies to France. It was Monday because Alma and I both have no work/classes on the said day. The usual meeting place is at Figaro in Galleria because Jtt holds office at one of the office towers in Robinson.
I was the one to arrive last...hey I came from the far North..and the pesky contsruction of the small Tullahan River bridge is still not finished.... hence a trip going to the metropolis spells a thousand and one detours. I found the threesome sipping coffee at Figaro but I am already famished hence suggested that we munch some real food before watching a movie.
We had dinner at Chef d'Angelo, we tried the Tuna Pesto Pasta which was surprisingly good and the spaghetti with rich meat sauce. We also had pizza but I forgot what kind we had.....hmmmmmm..... come to think of it I don't remember if it tasted good or not. Well one thing for sure it was not worth remembering and must be not good.

Well in a more serious note... I am all for domestic partnership.... In my opinion the state/government should recognize that any two person who have committed to live together should be accorded the same status and benefits of people in a conventional partnership. Taking religious convictions aside I am all for the equal treatment of citizens as far as the government is concern. The government should not have any prejudice. I understand the prejudice of religious institutions because that is what their doctrines dictates as far as that issue is concern but the government should not have any prejudice of what kind.
Good post.
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